Hello! Thanks for your interest in enrolling your child at Eleva-Strum

This page is dedicated to getting you the information your family needs to begin your journey with the School District of Eleva-Strum. There is lots of information on this page, but if you should have any additional questions or if the process is unclear in any way, we'd be happy to speak with you. The appropriate contact information for the age/grade of your child can be found below. Again, thank you for choosing Eleva-Strum. We can't wait to meet you and your family.


Below you will find the procedures and forms necessary to enroll your child at the School District of Eleva-Strum. Please note that if at any point you have questions about the process there are three different people available to assist you depending on the age of your child and type of enrollment. This contact information can be found below the procedures section.

Elementary Students (4K - 5th Grades)

Middle/High School Students (6th - 12th Grades)

  1. Download and fill out the following forms

    1. Enrollment Form

    2. Records Request

    3. Home Language Survey - English - Español

    4. Emergency Information - English - Español

    5. Bussing Online Form

  2. Return the first four forms to Karli Weltzien (MS/HS Secretary) by mail, drop-off, or email.

  3. After the forms arrive in our office please allow a few days for processing. When complete our MS/HS Guidance Counselor, Taylor Klemme, will reach out with additional information and steps for you.

Open Enrolling A Student

There are two different types of open enrollment, regular and alternative. The regular open enrollment window begins in February and ends on the last weekday in April. Alternative open enrollment began in 2011 as part of Act 114 and outlines seven circumstances under which an alternative application may be submitted. Those scenarios can be viewed under the second bold heading of the "Applying for Open Enrollment Using the Alternative Application Procedure" brochure located here.

Regular Enrollment Procedure

  • If you are seeking to open enroll during the regular open enrollment window, please use the link below if active. If the link below is not active, we are not in the normal enrollment window

  • After you’ve completed the online enrollment form, the School District of Eleva-Strum will mail you an acceptance/denial letter in early July. If the letter states that your enrollment has been accepted there will be some information on the letter mailed to you that will need to be filled out and returned to Kaela Stendahl in the District Office, by July 31st. Methods for submission include mail, drop-off, or email.

  • After we receive your returned letter, and assuming your intent is to continue the enrollment process, someone from the District will reach out to you. This will likely be Elementary Secretary Angie Teigen for Elementary students and our MS/HS guidance counselor Taylor Klemme for MS/HS students. She will work through scheduling classes with you and your child.

Alternative Enrollment Procedure

  • If you are seeking to open enroll via the alternative application process, please use the link for the form below. This form will need to be printed or can be picked up from Kaela Stendahl, in the District Office.

    • Alternative Open Enrollment Application

    • Once the application is completed, please return to Kaela Stendahl. It’s important that Kaela proofs the application form for completeness and/or any additional information needed, so please make sure it is turned in to her. Methods for submission include mail, drop-off, or email.

    • After we receive your application, we will determine acceptance or denial. If the application is denied for any reason, you will be contacted by Kaela Stendahl. If your application is accepted, someone from the District will reach out to you.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Once the School District of Eleva-Strum has accepted your open enrollment, you DO NOT need to apply in subsequent years UNLESS you change addresses.

Contact Information

  • Elementary Aged Children. If you are enrolling an Elementary aged child (Grades 4k-5) please contact Angie Teigen for any questions.

  • MS/HS Aged Children. If you are enrolling a MS/HS aged child (Grades 6-12) please contact Karli Weltzien for any questions.

  • Open Enrollment. If you are open enrolling to the School District of Eleva-Strum for any age student please contact Kaela Stendahl for any questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What supplies will my child need?
A: We provide all school supplies. All your family needs to provide are gym shoes and a backpack.

Q: Are there any school fees?
A: For our high school students there are class dues which are $20.00 and for MS/HS students there is an activity fee which is $25.00. Some clubs also charge a fee, but not all.

Q: What is the cost of school breakfast and lunch? Are there ala carte items? How much are those items?
A: Prices are as follows: Elementary & Middle School Breakfasts are $1.80. High School Breakfast is $1.90. Elementary & Middle School lunch is $2.95. High School lunch is $3.05. A single milk is $0.60. Ala Carte items are available and range from $0.25 to $1.75 each. If the account has a negative balance Ala Carte items will not be available for purchase. If a family would like to place a block on the account they may in order to prevent Ala Carte purchases.

Q: What time does school start and end?
A: For the 24-25 school year the MS/HS day begins at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 3:22 p.m. The elementary school day begins at 8:00 a.m. and ends at 3:15 p.m.

Q: What middle school sports do you offer?
A: Middle school students are able to participate in cross country, football, volleyball, basketball, track & field, and golf.

Q: What do you offer in terms of homework assistance and when are they offered?
A: At the MS/HS level we offer a homework club Monday thru Thursday from 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Q: Where can we buy Eleva-Strum apparel?
A: You can purchase apparel at "The Red Shed" which is located in the commons between the main entrances to the auditorium. Hours and stock vary, so please contact Jamie Galle (gallej@esschools.k12.wi.us) with any questions.