February 20, 2020
On April 7th, 2020 the School District of Eleva-Strum will be holding a 3-year $575,000 non-recurring operating referendum. We will be providing information about the referendum v...

February 17, 2020
Please join us Monday, February 17th at 6:30pm in the High School Auditorium for a presentation by Dr. Justin Patchin. This presentation will cover a broad overview of cyberbully...

November 14, 2019
ALL PARCELS ARE SOLD The School District of Eleva-Strum will be accepting bids on the following parcels of land:
In the Village of Eleva: Vacant land parcel totaling appro...
November 14, 2019
School District of Eleva-Strum April 7, 2020
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that at an election to be held in the School District of Eleva-Strum on Tuesday, April 7, 2020 the follo...

October 31, 2019
We recognized that there are multiple other extra-curricular events that are scheduled on December 5th (per the Cardinal News), in doing so we have rescheduled the Holiday Concert...

October 25, 2019
Our first Box Top submission will be Tuesday, October 29th. Please turn in any that you have before then. Thanks for your support.
October 25, 2019
This past week we had the opportunity to learn about fire safety from some of our own, "Volunteer Fire Fighters and Safety Personnel." We would like to thank all them for taking ...

October 17, 2019
If you plan to have your child's picture retaken please send the packet that you do not want back with your child tomorrow. Thank you~

October 14, 2019
The elementary photos have finally arrived. Thank you for your patience. Please check them over and if you would like to have them retaken make sure your child is ready to smil...
October 11, 2019
The Eleva-Strum Cardinal Teaching Staff put in a great day of professional development. The goal was to ensure that the students in our district have a Guaranteed Viable Curricul...

October 10, 2019
Just a quick reminder that there won't be school for the students at Eleva-Strum Schools tomorrow. The teachers will be using this time to grow as educators. Please share~

October 10, 2019
Every year we have a great deal of clothing unclaimed in our lost and found. Even after showing the items to all of the students, we still have piles of clothing. IF you recogni...

September 19, 2019
Mass in Fourth Grade with Mrs. Knobloch!
Research in 4th grade with Mr. Hulett
Read-to-self in 1st grade
Mr. Loftsgaarden keeping a cl...

September 13, 2019
The Eleva-Strum Schools would like to remind everyone that the start of the day is 8 a.m. Please have your children at school shortly before this time. The doors open at 7:30 an...

September 10, 2019
History is a curriculum that helps remind us of what takes place throughout time. Many events are wonderful, but there are some that are not. We often remember those events thro...
September 6, 2019
Going Bananas! It all started with Harley giving me a tree in 2006. I watered it for 13 years. It grew a pod this Spring. The leaves rolled back. And there they were, BANAN...
September 5, 2019
Here some things our 4 year olds are doing to learn and build relationships. What a great way to spend a day.
September 4, 2019
The Cardinal Staff did some word smithing to produce a possible Vision Statement through the combination of student and staff values. They made connections, discussed, developed,...

September 4, 2019
Herb Kohl is a huge supporter of public education and each year he and his foundation provide scholarships to students, teachers and principals that are nominated and then chosen ...